Zero, nada, zilch, bupkiss. That’s how much your idea is worth.
But…but, my idea is brilliant! It will change the world! My new plan for how to solve snow-covered streets is worth billions!
Really? Who is willing to pay you a billion dollars for your idea? Anyone?…Anyone? Bueller?
I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the likelihood is that any idea that you’ve had, someone smarter than you has already had. Your idea is worthless. So what? It doesn’t matter that it’s not worth anything now. What matters is what you do with your idea.
Take your idea for a product or service, and sell it to someone. See if there are people willing to put down actual money for what you’ve thought of. And don’t be afraid to tell people what your idea is. If it’s so easy to replicate that just by telling someone, they could take it and turn it into a business, then your idea wasn’t really worth anything, to begin with. How do you sell your idea? Take it to market! Start by defining the problem that you’re trying to solve. Research the hell out of it, what the pain points are that your idea addresses, who has those pain points, and how you can reach those customers. See if you can interview people with the pain. Ask them to tell you a story about the pain and see if it really bothers them enough to change what they’re already doing. This type of research costs nothing but your time and will provide valuable insight into the minds of your target audience.

Steve Blank, the entrepreneur responsible for customer development methodology says The Lean Startup is dead. What does that mean? Basically, there’s so much money available through angels and VCs that a young company’s success depends almost exclusively on their ability to raise huge sums of money and not on their ability to bootstrap a startup.
I am not confident that Steve is correct, especially if you live outside of the Silicon Valley bubble, or are creating a startup that doesn’t immediately scream ‘FUND ME’ to Angels and VCs. It’s still possible to build a company without raising a hundred million dollars, it’s just difficult. I’ve been building my company, InOrbis Intercity for over three and a half years now. It started off as a worthless idea, just like yours. But it has grown to be more than that. We’ve just had our first profitable quarter, and we’re still only in Alberta. The vision I have for the company is beyond large. It will be a billion dollar company. But it takes time for great things to happen.
In order to change the way that people travel, we have to reinvent the model of a transportation company. We can’t rely on what companies like Uber did for intra-city ridesharing, and we definitely can’t copy what the airline and bus industries have done (RIP Greyhound). Our vision involves fleets of autonomous vehicles bringing business travellers, vacationers and more between the hundreds of cities that are within a few hundred kilometres of each other. So far, we have connected 6 cities with a combined population of nearly 3 million people. If we provide to access 100 times that number in 5 years, then we’ll be well on our way.
If you have an idea, and you want to talk to someone who also had one, and has tried to turn their idea into a reality, I am always open. Send me a message, I’ll happily sit down with you for a coffee to tell you my story and ask you about yours. I want you to succeed just as much as I want to succeed.
Think your idea is worth it? Let’s make it happen.