What is this about?

My name is Rosario Fortugno. I’m an electrical engineer, MBA, and clean-tech entrepreneur making my way into the worlds of finance and AI. 

This website is meant to provide some insight into my journey. My hope is that it communicates some of what I learn as I pursue my CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) designation, highlighting examples from my business, as well as what I’m learning through the courses I’m taking in AI and machine learning from MIT and Udacity.

Basically, this is a way for me to show off my knowledge to the world… 

Every day, I’m going to summarize what I’ve learned. The source of the material will either be from my CFA prep material, my own business, InOrbis Intercity, my MIT and Udacity AI courses,  or just something I picked up along the way.

You’ll get a deep dive into the inner workings of my mind. The mind of a person who is probably trying to do too many things at once, but who is going to try to do them anyways, because, What the heck! Right?

Not only will you be learning alongside me, you will be joining me as I wade neck-deep into two of the most confusing and challenging spaces that the 21st century has to explore: artificial intelligence, and financial analysis.

A lot of what I discuss will be sourced from my other courses, so I’ll always try to provide links and images for reference to the source material. While I’ve always considered myself to be relatively creative, my propensity for original thought is limited by my expertise, so where I share something that isn’t my own work, I will try to give credit where credit is due.

Here we go! Let’s dive right in and get started. Today’s topic is Understanding Machine Learning. An undoubtedly simple subject. Let’s see how it goes 😀